need advice on odyssey sunfire system

hi, this may not be a match with anyone elses system but i,m going to move the emotiva/velodyne/magnepan system to another room and was wondering if a odyssey khartargo/cyclops would work well with 2 sunfire hrs-10 subs and their cmr-2 mini monitors. room is 12 x 18 and treated. the room has suspended wood floors and the walls are heavy plaster. i use aurelex subdudes under all subs and speakers to address the floor issue. i am intrigued by the ribbons and the holigraphic claims sunfire advertises. thanks john
The Odyssey piece is an excellent sounding integrated. I am sure it will sound great with the speakers you have in mind.
Did you consider the Odyssey speakers with the Kartago/Cyclops. Pretty sweet sounding set-up.

Sunfire will be fine also, the subs have thier own amps.
i live in the middle on hicksville and can not audition any speakers without a 4 hour drive. not that i mind but it will take a month to work back and forth to kansas city and st louis to check out speakers. maybe i should just get some tektons or odyssey monitors and try them out when i get the cyclops? if you don't mind me asking what is the area of concern about the sunfires? i,m after pretty much what everyone is,,,some speakers that in the price range have some relative wow factor with the cyclops.
i live in the middle on hicksville and can not audition any speakers without a 4 hour drive. not that i mind but it will take a month to work back and forth to kansas city and st louis to check out speakers. maybe i should just get some tektons or odyssey monitors and try them out when i get the cyclops? if you don't mind me asking what is the area of concern about the sunfires? i,m after pretty much what everyone is,,,some speakers that in the price range have some relative wow factor with the cyclops.