Best Bookshelf speaker 1300.00 budget

Imaging/clarity are most important. Will be used as 2 channel stereo system with no sub. Don't need alot of bass for my listening..however some is needed. Have listened to Revel M105 1300.00 pr and from reputation Ascend Acoustics Sierra 1 for 850 or so. Willing to listen to recommendations. This is for a small living room that is not closed in...10 by 12.
I think you'd be hard pressed to find a better imaging speaker than the Joseph Audio RM7xl, but you'd have to buy them used to hit your price point. Best of luck in your search.
Also,what kind of music do you listen to? Harbeths may not be best choice if you listen to rock music. Maybe someone could comment on that.
Silver line Minuet Supreme may also be an idea.
Try a used pair of system audio SA2K they retailed for $3600,
Sometimes come used for around $ 1200 hard to beat for that price,
Impressive construction.