Polk Audio RT2000p or LSi 25's--- WHO CARES ???

It's absolutely amazing how my question previously asked could garner approximately 100 hits and each one of those hits were from signed up members who couldn't care less about helping me with my query.
If the moderators do publish this then they realize that there are a handful of their paid membership that do nothing but control this website to their liking. I will be unsubscribing if this is not published and if the members do get to see my opinion I'm sure their are many of us who feel the same way.
Such a dirty mouth for a female chipmunk! You must be one of those angry feminist ones. Alright, enough then, I'll leave you to your misery and your next big "cause".
And please, don't unsubscribe, you're actually pretty amusing.
Jesus Murphy I thought I could get away from cyber bullies on this sight but it just goes to show ya. They're everywhere with their hatred and too much time on their hands.
My apologies to all the readers I really didn't try to start a war but it's been like some crazy initiation just to speak freely without predjudice.
My suggestion since I myself have no experience with any of the Polk line of speakers. Why not just purchase both and seriously listen to both. Then make your own assessment. Polk speakers are usually sold way below manufactures retail. This way you rely own your ears and wait for no one. The best of luck with your find.