Polk Audio RT2000p or LSi 25's--- WHO CARES ???

It's absolutely amazing how my question previously asked could garner approximately 100 hits and each one of those hits were from signed up members who couldn't care less about helping me with my query.
If the moderators do publish this then they realize that there are a handful of their paid membership that do nothing but control this website to their liking. I will be unsubscribing if this is not published and if the members do get to see my opinion I'm sure their are many of us who feel the same way.
I have to say that I have had a change of mind and heart.
Maybe I vented and there was a reaction but there have been some wonderful people leaving intelligent and witty feedback.
It will be a long time before I err my frustration again.
I'm only human but so are the other members.
Thank you
I will try and help. I've had (and still do) some polks over the years but all vintage but you really need to give some more info in your question. Is it for HT or music for instance? The Lsi range is better for 2 channel but if you mainly use for HT then the Rt2000 would be fine.
The new Lsim range is even better but depends on your budget.

Fwiw I would ask the question on the Polk forum as you will get more help from people who are interested and have experence with Polks.

I generally find comming the heavy with others that don't respond to you gets you nowhere pretty fast.
2012chipmunk57 -- looks like you've gotten what it seems you wanted . . . some attention.

And you've brought absolutely ZERO to the conversation. Good job.
Ya know it's like people start to warm up and as soon as they do they want to be cold again. I don't get it.
"Btw hats off to Zd 542 I think he or she caught the drift of my thread.
Thank you."

Don't drag me into your delusion. It was you who didn't catch the drift of my last post.