Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE

Hello, I need some opinion about these 2 speakers. I plan to acquire one of them.
Anyone who owned or tried these speakers please share your experience.

I won't be looking for any other brand.

I will use VAC sigma 160i to drive the westminster
Hegel H30 Stereo to drive the Magico S5.

Thank you.

'Would love to read about these tests, could you please point me (us) to their whereabouts?'

They were done by a speaker designer I know. He also said a number of other designers, such as Dunlavey, did the same tests with the same results.

However even without such formal tests its well known eg its mentioned in Vance Dickensen's book on speaker design.

From an Audiogon discussion on it:
'Having said that, many people find a very low static Q ( .5 ) to sound TOO tight and dry, even with the slight boost of Q that occurs during actual driven conditions. Raising the static Q will produce more apparent bass but it does so at a slight loss in transient response. The more that the static Q climbs, the more apparent bass that you have and the worse the transient response gets.'

'Much of this is covered in Vance's book to a great extent. Interpreting the trade-off's involved in each approach becomes a matter of personal design decisions'

If you want to pursue it further get Vance's book. It helped me understand a lot about speaker design such as this issue, although I don't personally build and design speakers.

But it does mean I can have enlightening conversations with those that do, like the guy that told me about those tests.

They were done by a speaker designer I know...

Who will conduct a worthwhile listening test comparing a “compensated” (eq) signal to a pure one??

BTW, taken from your link:
“Most people that aren't used to "accurate" bass with proper pitch and damping (long time users of vented speakers) should probably use something closer to a static Qtc of .65 or .70 or so”

As Usermanual already pointed out, all things being equal, there are no psychoacoustics reasons to prefer a “compromised” parameter on a “sound” one. However, there may be plenty of psychological reasons to do so.
Jump on the new MAGICO M Project speaker only 50 made at $130k.They may already be sold out anybody on Audiogon order a pair .
No doubt measurements i.e correct--accurate/flat/linear etc frequency balance is all but one essential aspect into reproducing realistically believable sound.
But none on timbre and tonal truth can be gauge by any measuring tools that I know/read of. Instead, human sensory ie. ears/brain/heart are left to do these.
Thus, no matter how advanced and thorough measuring facility an audio establishment embodies, products still have to pass the final ultimate test ~ their designers' ears ~ no?
Two of my absolute favourite speaker brands are Tannoy and ATC. I also like Magico but not as much. It is all about making it sound real and "authentic".