Sub placement

Many speaker manufactures recomend placing the sub in your listening spot,then go around the room and find where it sounds the best. Where it sounds the best is where they say to put the sub. I have 2 foward firing subs. Does any one have any idea what direction I would place the sub when I find the spot? Has anyone had any luck with this method?
The "put the sub in your listening spot" suggestion is ridiculous (but amusing) so ignore that one. Your room and tastes are specific to you so the only answer has to be to experiment with placement as there is no magic formula...I just loosely followed REL guidelines and my ears...found an ideal spot (for my tastes anyway) after a while. I do turn my sub up and down a little depending on the recording, and have no idea if anybody else does that...but it's the only "tone control" I have and it's all I need.
Try right next to your listening position . My rel placed there was invisible sonically . It sounded like the bass was coming from my speakers . I read a book by Alton Everest ? I think that was his name . He stated that and i thought it was absurd , but being a bachelor i can place a sub in the middle of the room !

Wolf_garcia, regarding your comment:

The "put the sub in your listening spot" suggestion is ridiculous (but amusing) so ignore that one

You are simple incorrect. Placing the sub in the listening position and then walking/crawling across the room to find the place with the most even bass response, helps one find the place in his/her room that beside having an even bass response it is also the acoustic equivalent of the listing position, i.e. the interference pattern of the low waves in that place is very similar to the one in the listening position. The method is not ridiculous at all, in fact it is based on simple 3-dimentional Euclidian geometry.