Need Speaker Advice

I've narrowed my choices to the following speakers. Will have to purchase online since every local outlet I've talked to are thieves and have over priced products.

Phase Technology V-4 or V-52 Bookshelf
NHT Super Zero 2 bookshelf with Super One 8" sub
Jamo C 603 or C 803 bookshelf
Fluance SV series bookshelf

Quick background. I have a Qinpu A 3 hybrid tube/solid state integrated amp. 8.5 watts per channel. This is an 8 ohm amp. It easily drives my Mirage OM 10 towers but I had to box them up because I have a rogue pet that has started to jump on them. Can't use them for a year or two until I buy a suitable house and can build a dedicated, pet free listening room. In the meantime I need something that I can use from the list above for a second system that will ultimately go into my living room. Size of these speakers will deter pet from using as toys.

I've done some research and received some recommendations that led to the list above. I have not heard any to date except for the V-4. I prefer a neutral sounding speaker that is not too heavy on bass. A slightly warm speaker is fine as long as it is essentially neutral sounding. I want to avoid the listening fatigue that is associated with Klipsch style speakers. In other words those that have a harsh high end.

Based upon what I have read all of the above should satisfy the criteria I've mentioned. And all the bookshelf speakers and some of the towers that are not complete. Any recommendations especially from users of any speakers in this list will be appreciated. The amp is persnickity and won't work properly with a bass heavy speaker or design.
"These people are not thieves, they are simply trying to earn a return on their money, time, and knowledge. Anyone that abuses businesses for no other purpose but to get a demo so they can turn around and buy cheaper online is a thief. Have fun buying online from reviews and forum feedback and be sure to tally the number of times you end up trying different speakers because you either don't like what you ended up with and/or wonder what else something sounds like. "

Actually they were thieves. You were not in that store but I was. The clerk didn't even give me the accurate models of the Jamo speakers they had in the store. None were the C series or the S series either. Older stock.

Not all stores are of course but the one I just mentioned that I went to it was clear they were trying to pawn off merchandise that was several years old, probably overstock but at inflated prices. Example: A Polk line that was released years before the current line was being billed as the latest and best. And still at the list price!

So, the topic at hand is out of the Jamo C803 or Dali Zensor 3, what are the best and worst attributes of each.
And another story to illustrate that some stores are run by thieves.

While I was shopping for speakers I auditioned the Phase Technology V 4 speaker last Spring in a local store. Checked out this place after auditioning the years old Polk and Dali speakers. The list price on the V 4 which was at that time very outdated since the new line of Velocity speakers had been out for over a year was $1,000.00! You read that right. The store had the V 4 marked down to $529.00 on "special". That "special" price was still too high. I called Phase Tech and they told me the list price on that speaker and the new V 52 was around $450.00! Highway robbery. Selling a speaker line that is many years old and not even carrying the new line even though it had been out over a year. The store told me they were getting in the new line within a couple of weeks. Not sure if they did because when I called back a couple of weeks later I got a runaround on it.
The fact that MOST stores are run by thieves has been rather well understood by most for the last thousand years or so.
Schubert. Can't really comment regarding what you've just stated. But I do know this. I spent many years living in Connecticut and found that virtually every single privately owned stereo shop was dealing above board with their products and services. In Kansas City I found it to be the opposite.
I've known thieves that don't act like thieves in their hobby
audio store, but will pick your pocket at their furniture or car store.
Not a joke.