"What's The Best Value Speaker In $5k-$10k Range?"

I'd appreciate some advice from those experienced with great speakers. I'm hoping that this thread will be valuable to lots of others, as well.

On to my question: What are the best value speakers you can buy on the used market in the $5k-$10k price range? I think it's time to get into something world-class for music, and I've found that in each area of life or hobby, there are gems available that might not carry the most popular brand name - or be the latest fashion - but that do deliver the best performance for the money.

I'd appreciate recommendations from any resident speaker gurus. Thank you!
Marten-Django XL
$10k should be enough to get these speakers on the used market.
...and I've found that in each area of life or hobby, there are gems available that might not carry the most popular brand name - or be the latest fashion - but that do deliver the best performance for the money.

If, if, if, you can find them used, AudioKinesis (a bit less than your budget used), Daedalus, and Eficion might well end your search.
I am rephrasing your question to:
Given my room size & gear-esp amp, what is the smartest move up in speakers to give me world class performance, reveal the benefits of any other upgrades I make and provides "tremendous value?"
Revel Salon 1.for ~$5000. Well below your budget ceiling.
You now have money for some power conditioning and perhaps some better i/c's and speaker cables. These will also give you the best bang for the buck if you buy wisely. I am sure many will share some thought on those, myself included. Cheers!