Amp for PSB Stratus Gold

I am looking for an amp for PSB Stratus Golds for my brother's birthday.It can be new or used and the family can spend up to $2500.00 or so. I have never heard them. How would you characterize the sound especially as far as the midbass and detail/brightness? I have an amp in mind, but it is known for being a little lean in the midbass, so i figure if the PSBs are full in the midbass, it would be a good match.I know they need a lot of power. He was using an Aragon 8008 that recently died. Thanks.
Given the speakers, I think a Parasound A21 or a Rotel 1090 would work very well. You should be able to get either for a lot less than $2500.
Krell Kav-500i/400ix/300il. IMO these are better sounding/built then the current models besides the fbi which retails for over $15K. Heard several demos with Krell and PSB-Stratus series resulting in near perfect synergy.
You need not spend thousands of dollars to get a very good stereo amp - take a look at the offerings. Their XPA-2 amp offers 300 watts/ch., 5-year warranty, 30-day in-home trial, and is $799:

If you want their top of the line amp, look at the XPR-2 - 600 watts/ch., dual-differential, 2.5kv toroidal transformer, same warranty and in-home trial, $1699:

The Emo amps have gotten rave reviews from all who tested them and their owners are tickled pink by the sound and the value...


No harm in making a reasonable offer.