Monitor Audio for classical music

Is anyone using Monitor Audio for classical music. I am looking at these as well as Vienna, and Martin Logan. I realize these are very different speakers, I am looking for detail and resolution, even on the cool side as long as not fatiguing
Monitor Audio speakers use metal dome tweeters and metal cone woofers which in my experience don't self damp well enough to be true to (classical) instrumental timbres. Put another way...the drivers ring (like bells) and color the sound in unacceptable ways.

Ideally you want drivers that self-damp well i.e. fabric dome tweeters and plastic or paper woofers.

I think Spendor and Dynaudio complete speakers sound excellent with classical. Both lines have the type of drivers that I described (as working well with classical).
Having had various Maggies for over 30 yrs they do most everything required for Classical well.
The glaring exception is they lack the dynamic range to reproduce a symphony, classical music in general is much more dynamic than rock.
I am reminded that they just don't "breathe" everytime I listen to the KEF Ref. 3.2's in my bedroom.
My aerial 10's use metal dome tweeters that do not ring like bells. I consider them very well balanced and natural speakers that are not ideally perfect but almost OK for classical music.
for classical music the only monitor i can think of is actually headphones otherwise large speakers are encouraged.
Which model of Monitor Audio speakers are you referring to? There is huge difference amongst them.

I have a pair of RS-6s and I enjoy them a lot for listening to jazz, classical and Opera. Dynamics, imaging and sound staging are all fantastic. They outperform most, if not all speakers in their price range.

I am using them in a small space that is acoustically treated with all tube gear. The speakers are easy to drive, I am using 40watt quicksilver mid monos with kt88's.
I have been unable to post until now due to a problem syncing with audiogon. Thanks everyone, I will go over all your responses