Speakers that sound like Usher Be-20s/10s

I am looking for speakers. I am a fan of the Usher sound - superb 3d soundstage, excellent leading edge dynamics, great attack and transients that make one jump out of the chair. I am considering the BE20s/10s in the used market but given their huge size and room requirements and low availability in the used market I am in two minds. Can anyone recommend a speaker that sounds similar? Especially previous Usher owners? I was considering Revel Salon 2s but got the impression that they are a little un-exciting and don't have a good attack (I may be mistaken)
My amp - Rotel 1090
First you have to undestand an be aware of the properties of your Rotel. Rotel is a 2-dimensional brand. It has only a little depth. For a deep and wide stage you need an amp which can do this. Rotel does not have these skills. All amps I test if they can give a 2 or 3-dimensional image. For me it is easy as 1 and 1 is 2.
Bol972's comments may be a tad hard to digest at times but I concur.
The Rotel wont do justice to the "somewhat beryllium" tweeters. Don't get me wrong, the Ushers sound very good even with a scandalous less than pure Be tweeter.
Woofers are hard to deal with. Like the Alto Utopia.
Can sound nasal with flabby bassif not driven right.
I hope people will open there eyes and ears. People have to learn to understand better what the properties/talents are of the stuff they own. I am not here to provoke. In the 15 years I am in this business I saw how often and easy people make misstakes cause of lack in knowledge in audio.
@P59teitel : i do know the differences between those amps but it didn't explain why it was so flat? Do you imply that the PLINIUS should drive speakers with too much depth to be good??? :))

@Denon1: I'm quite surprise on your impression on the CP-8571II? Dc d'apollito is behind every USHER AUDIO speakers and his work on phasis is flawless.
I don't know your electronics but if you had this impression on CP-8571, the Martens are probably messy enough to melt all frequencies together...