Upgrade question - speakers or integrated?

Hey all -

I'm on the audio merry-go-round again and would like some thoughts. I'm running Focal 807v monitors through a YBA 201 integrated. My budget is ~$1500. Which of the two is a better candidate for upgrading? I listen to mostly jazz, folk, and other nuanced music. I save the rock and hard stuff for my car.

Would it be sonically better to replace the YBA with another integrated - like an Exposure 3010? Or the Focals with another monitor - say a Reference de Capo?

There's really nothing wrong with what I have. But you know how it is.
IMO your amp is fine. Stretch your budget a bit and pick up the Harbeth 7s up for sale at $2200. If you like acoustic music, it's very hard to top Harbeths. IMO of course.
I have the YBA and like it a lot. I have matched it well with Aerial 6 and Vienna Bach Grand, though have seen Mozart Grand in your price range.
+1 with the Harbeth 7s...
Keep the amplifier...

I got off the merry-go-round with a pair of Harbeths...