Small Speakers For A Large Room...

I'm about to move my system into a much larger room - ~4,000 cu feet - but for domestic tranquility (I love my wife far more than my music) will need to keep the speakers on the small side. What options are out there in a large stand mount or slender floor standing speaker that work well in large room? I don't listen very loud, and will have a separate powered subwoofer, but mains that visually dominate the room are not an option for me.

If you know of small-ish speakers that sound large, I'd appreciate some suggestions!
I will second the recommendation for the KEF LS50, and assuming that you can mate them to the right amp they sound wonderful.

Another couple of speaker lines you might consider looking and listening to are the JM Reynaud and Triangle stand mount models, both from France. I am especially fond of the JMR line. Their Offrande models are magnificent speakers for a larger room, but they probably won't pass the WAF test. The smaller Bliss is a great smallish 4 Ohm speaker, especially if used with the JMR "Magic Stands".
If you don't listen loud and use a subwoofer, you should be able to fill the room with just about any quality stand-mount. I'd say choosing the type of sound you want would be more important than how loud they can get.

I'll throw a suggestion out though, the Vapor Audio Cirrus Black. They have a massive soundstage and play BIG. They also have way more output capacity than I can handle in my large-ish room.