Small Speakers For A Large Room...

I'm about to move my system into a much larger room - ~4,000 cu feet - but for domestic tranquility (I love my wife far more than my music) will need to keep the speakers on the small side. What options are out there in a large stand mount or slender floor standing speaker that work well in large room? I don't listen very loud, and will have a separate powered subwoofer, but mains that visually dominate the room are not an option for me.

If you know of small-ish speakers that sound large, I'd appreciate some suggestions!

You can probably purchase the Nano monitors for considerably less and get fairly close to the performance of the reference models. All in all, excellent speakers
I would recommend the neat ultimatum xls. If you want smaller i would not hesitate to recommend the evolution acoustic mmmicroone speake. Huge sound from the size. A bw pv1d actually complements them well.
new house and new baby kept me away from this thread for the last couple of weeks... WOW! i was stunned to see the number of responses so far - too many for me to thank you all individually, so collectively, THANKS!!

you all have given me a lot to look into, some were on my radar already, but many i had never considered previously.

@Soix... been maried quite a while. she's a keeper for sure, so perhaps i need to find some better music!