Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass

Hi Eufrodites' users,

Can anyone help me with solving a serious issue of boomy bass?
Speakers are about 7 months old.

Do they still need time to break in?
Room acoustics? at first I thought so but the boominess is even at very low levels of sound.
I play them mostly with Jadis JA100 and the Sati 520b from Horning too. Boominess is on both setups.

Help!!!! There's nothing more annoying than boomy bass. I just can't enjoy music anymore.

Amuseb, I've also spent time with Marten and TAD speakers, and I would regard those as audiophile speakers. The Hornings may not have quite the resolution, bandwidth, and flat frequency response of those others, but they are more than respectable in those areas. For me, the magic of the Hornings resides in the midrange. The fact that you can also have deep bass with just a few watts of tube amplification makes these so nice for flea/SET amp users. In my room, the bass is articulate and well-integrated with the rest of the speaker's output.
"I will probably call for some expert opinion on the room acoustics in the coming days."

May I recommend Jeff Hedback of Hedback Designed Acoustics. Jeff's day job mostly consists of designing recording studios, and his studios have been honored in the past three "Best of The Year" issues of Mix Magazine (2011, 2012, and 2013). But he has done work for a growing number of home audio and home studio rooms. He doesn't sell any products, just analysis and recommendations, which he still offers at a reasonable rate.

Hedback Designed Acoustics

Why not just get bass traps and put them on the corners? Because room acoustic treatment is a little bit like crossover design: Not that hard to do, but quite hard to do really well. One person may say, gee that crossover needs some more capacitance, but the real question is, how much, and where should it go in the circuit? Likewise with bass traps - what kind, how much, and where for most cost-effective and aesthetically acceptable results, are questions that are hard to answer really well. I have worked with Jeff on several projects, and am continually amazed at the innovative solutions he comes up with.

Hi all,
So the first expert came along.
He wasn't very impressed by my "complaints". He thought I was over reacting. But I think, expert of not, he just doesn't really hear what I hear...
We tried some small absorbers made in Japan, triangular shaped that you nail to the corners between the walls and the ceiling.
It did clean up the space slightly but the substantial boomy bass wasn't very much affected by it plus it was selling for 1000 euros a pair so forget about it.
The guy also brought with him some plastic sheets, again made in Japan, that seat on the speakers and are supposed to absorb resonance etc.
This time too they did clean up some noise but at the same time made the music opaque. Not my cup of tea.

We also visited the back corners of the room where clearly there's a strong concentration of low waves.
He suggested to place bass traps there. I might give it a shot at some point.

What more is clear after some trial and error is that distance from the back wall is key in the battle against boomy bass. (Psag, how far are your Eufros from the back walls?).
Nevertheless, if I was to follow the Cardas rules of speakers positioning, I would have to place mine 2.4 meters from the back walls... slightly problematic in a leaving room scenario.

Other than that, in the meantime, I've done some slight tweaking i.e. hooked up my amp to my Shunyata filter (quiet a big difference it made compared with the straight from the wall Paris parasite feasted juice), put some crystal rocks in the bass ports (as suggested in http://audioexotics.hk/index.php?option=com_simplestforum&view=postlist&forumId=1&parentId=1631), positioned the speakers evenly from the side walls, etc. All the above have helped to improve the situation but not to fully solve it.

Will keep updating, any further suggestion are welcome.

The pillows you tried early on can you put those on the floor underneath the cd storage area? And if you have more, open the doors of that same cabinet and put something soft in there as well. And then leave the doors open for energy to pass thru not to wait in hiding. Tom