Dynaudio C1 and voices

Picked up a pair of used C1s. Using a Mac 352 and Mac SS preamp. The room is mid sized. Speakers are about 7.5 feet apart, 46 inches from back walk and 54 inches from sides.

Very good sound staging and depth. OK detail, but voices are less than terrific. Is it that they are revealing and the voices are just poorly recorded? I do listen to a lot of live rock and jazz performances.

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
D160 there is only 1 brand of KT120's. They are Tung Sol. So far the highs need the most taming. I sort of did that with a RCA 5751 triple mica black plate input tube and a pair of Mullard CV4024 driver/inverter tubes. Both the Rca and Mullard are very warm sounding with the Mullards being quite laid back in the highs. What I haven't tried yet is running the KT120's in 6550/KT88 mode.

What's funny I loved the KT120's for about 30 hrs when new. Then for the next 170hrs the mids became very forward and the highs somewhat harsh.
Yes Xti16, I just realized that only Tung Sol makes KT120. My v110 will arrive Wednesday, Will let you know how does it sound in my room after broken in.