The previous troubleshooting suggestions are valid and you should do so.
I had a similar problem the other day with a hi-res Steely Dan recording - the tweeter output sounded horrible for a few seconds. At first I suspected a blown tweeter. But I know that the Gallo CDT tweeter is virtually indestructible so I did the cable swap routine. It turns out it was the recording and not my gear - whew!!
But I must admit that I was quite surprised that a Steely Dan album would have sketchy sonics, they are usually 100% *perfect*.
So, let's cross our fingers and hope that your CD is at fault and not your gear...
I had a similar problem the other day with a hi-res Steely Dan recording - the tweeter output sounded horrible for a few seconds. At first I suspected a blown tweeter. But I know that the Gallo CDT tweeter is virtually indestructible so I did the cable swap routine. It turns out it was the recording and not my gear - whew!!
But I must admit that I was quite surprised that a Steely Dan album would have sketchy sonics, they are usually 100% *perfect*.
So, let's cross our fingers and hope that your CD is at fault and not your gear...