Speakers with fullness and weight?

I've always made a concerted effort to hear as many speakers as I can, but I've only found a few lines that have some of the qualities I particularly value. Quite a bit of my music collection includes modern alternative rock/electronic that is a lot less enjoyable when played back on speakers that are too honest (read: thin sounding). My current speakers (Vienna Acoustics Mozart SEs) really give the music a weight and solidity that is often hard for me to find in hifi. I love how the drums give a really hefty thunk, and guitars seem full and rich rather than nasally. This probably just correlates to an increased midbass and relaxed treble, but all the same, any suggestions of other brands would be appreciated. Older Monitor Audio speakers also seem to have this characteristic.
Tone is everything in a home audio system, If you do not have this first, nothing else matters, Its not music!, take for instance, a mesa-boggie tube guitar amp and a Marshall tube amp to me has the real tonality compaired to a solid state guitar amp!, A gibson Les paul with a mesa-boggie are marshall amp as far as rock-n-roll goes, Is the shitt!, real music!, same thing can be said in the comparison with home audio that has been stated in the above threads!, the rich, full, mid-range to die for, tonality is like the guitar amp differences!, This is what I designed my system to sound like!, I am a musician, I care less whats suppose to be accurate, analitical detail, thin, no body, no bass, no mids on vocals to bring you to tears, that is not music!
Sound is probably the most important part in audio. Because it needs to be good to listen for many hours to your set. Wenn a system goes deeper in the low freq. the influence on your emotion will be bigger. The respons of a speaker is important for the control, how low it goes and how easy you can hear all the different layers. Monitor Audio is maybe in all there price tags they operate one of the best in respons. So you get a very tight, deep bass with all the layers which should be there. Since I use Audyssey Pro ( my way) for the first time I have stealth integration with a subwoofer. I even use it from 16hz till 140 hz. Even at very low volume I have a deep and detailed low freq. In the past I only bought big speakers like the B&W 800S, because I hated the low speed and lack in stealth integration of most sub's. Times have changed and without my sub I would have less fun and a less big smile on my face.
If no-one has mentioned Duke's (Audiokinesis) loudspeakers in the context of this thread- they are certainly deserving!
Bo1972 Wrote:
Sound is probably the most important part in audio...

No Kidding... :-)

Reminded me of the old Carlin tv commercial sketch: "Madam, which pile of laundry is whiter?" "Um... the Blue pile?"

The only way I could top the initial statement would be to recommend that you audition the Tannoy Westminster Royal SE if you desire a speaker with "weight."