How much are beats headphones and the sound?

How much are a pair of beats headphones? I imagine they are expensive, but are they worth it? Do they have really good sound?
Viridian...thanks you beat me to it.

Audiolabyrinth...I'll add that you never even mention Jimmy Iovine? He was pretty instrumental in all of this. Without his involvement, this whole deal and outcome might not have happened.

You also state "If I were all of you, I would not believe everything that you read!" The story from Gizmodo is pretty much a first hand account of what happened. I also would like to know your source(s).
Well, there goes the reputation.

At least what little there was early on.

Hasta la vista id, ego, and superego.
wow!, you can lead the horse to the water but you cannot make them drink the water unless you tell them where the water came from!, Ha, Ha, LOL!, I believe you should research intensly other than some inferrior site called Gismo!, Its easy to find multiple sources yourself!, since you want to discredit what i am stateing as facts, you deserve to do the work yourself!, wc65mustang,you are nothing more than an idiot!, you go on nearly every thread I have been on and made trouble, like sticking your foot in your mouth!,, I am done here, all of you gentleman have a nice week and carry on!, I will go on knowing what I know of beats audio,LOL!,, Its not even worth my time to argue over, Beats audio headphones suck eanyway!, the beats soft ware they put on phones and lap top computers is worth a fair mention, nothing to write home about if you know what I mean!, Goodday genleman!
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