2-channel vs 3-channel/5channel

I have been enjoying some B&W N802s for movie watching in 2 channel. A real pleasure. My question is, will I gain a lot of enjoyment by going through the complication/pain of setting up 3.1/5.1 or is 2 channel "enough" for movies.
If you do decide to move to surround sound, I'd suggest adding the center channel last as you may find you don't need it (so long as your processor can direct center channel dialog to the mains).
As much as I love my 2 channel for music, Right now I'm unable to set up the surround system for movies, and I miss it like crazy. 2 channel just doesn't cut it, esp for things like Apollo 13 etc.
I will be trying it out in the future. I have all the necessary ingredients. Arcam AVR600 / 805N for the back channels. I just don't have the center - which I might not need.
To answer your question, yes, you will get a lot from the addition of one or several channels. Adding channels gives the potential for improved sound, but...that all depends on execution.
If you get good imaging in stereo, you may not need a center channel for HT. We use the same 6.2 setup for music and HT, although I rarely turn on the amps for the two rear channels, so we really use a 4.2 setup, and it tracks dialog very well. I removed the center channel, because it didn't seem to contribute to the sonic experience.
