Raidho D1/C1.1 vs Dynaudio C1 vs Magico Q1

I am looking to upgrade to a state of the art monitor speaker. Excellent dynamics, transparecy (without dryness),coherent sound and impressive bass extension (for a monitor) are the characteristics I am looking for. The partnering equipment is Resolution audio Cantata (source), Marantz SC-7s2 (pre-amp) & Burmester 956 mk. II (amplifier). I would appreciate if any of the members (who own these or have auditioned and compared these) can give me some valuable feedback/impressions on how these speakers compare to one another (I realize that the Dynaudio is at a much lower price point). I know the technology in the Raidho monitors is very impressive but is the sound that much more special?
Where I live, I do not have access to any dealer who has these brands.
Many thanks!

I agree. To my ears the Raidho C1.1 are world class.


The Raidho C1.1 have plenty of bass. If you add a sub you're there.
Tboooe and Apdoc2004,

I have auditioned the C1.1 privately on numerous occasions -- over an hour each time -- and I never heard them struggle with any kind of music. On the contrary. They delivered beautiful sound with ease no matter what was being played.
George did you compared c1 sigs on few same setups as raidhos so you can tell raidhos are 15 20% better...i dont doubt that raidhos are better speaker(it would be shame thet they dont be at that price)...i clearly remember guy who said he discovered full potential of his c1s when he connected them for fun at his monster tube amp(for his main system floorstanders)i believe you got nice sound with your octave allthough im a firm believer that dyns sound best on high current high wattage SS amplification... add a sub on 200000eu speaker?...i would rather buy a c4 sigs...i gived up from thinking on subwoffers for 2 reasons....its hard to integrate properly sub...and second my friend who played at Vienna philharmonic told me 2 things...subwoofers dont give natural sound of contrabass as good floorstander(that means you must buy megabuck sub to hear natural fidelity) and (little off topic)second that vinyl gives more natural sound of string instruments and more natural sound from digital components overall...i have no reason to not believe guy who sleeps with his instruments and knows more about music than "audiophiles"...
Bmwmcab i had opportunity to hear vivid K-1 ,B-1 and giya G-3...all great sounding speakers, very transparent, high rez and non colored...(espetialy K-1 which is better than B-1...B-1 also gets hot when you push it loud...their dynamics is bit exaggerated...can sound harsh on metal-rock recordings...and bass seemed a bit less controled) could live with them but i would never buy them...i noticed that vivid have big (wow factor) as raidhos...but not my cup of tea(also these speakers are somewhat ugly "star trek" looking) if you can pass their look and listen to nice music not on very loud levels these speakers are hit!...regards...
I owned D1 for about 6 months ,my experience is that with the right system D1 can go low enough and you don't feel anything missing. The top and midrange is of no question ,very open. Truly world class.
When I heard the D1's they were being powered by a Naim Uniti at the dealers. A friend of mine and myself are trying to coordinate a demo at the dealer comparing the D1 to the Dyn C1 this weekend. Haven't heard back yet.