Raidho D1/C1.1 vs Dynaudio C1 vs Magico Q1

I am looking to upgrade to a state of the art monitor speaker. Excellent dynamics, transparecy (without dryness),coherent sound and impressive bass extension (for a monitor) are the characteristics I am looking for. The partnering equipment is Resolution audio Cantata (source), Marantz SC-7s2 (pre-amp) & Burmester 956 mk. II (amplifier). I would appreciate if any of the members (who own these or have auditioned and compared these) can give me some valuable feedback/impressions on how these speakers compare to one another (I realize that the Dynaudio is at a much lower price point). I know the technology in the Raidho monitors is very impressive but is the sound that much more special?
Where I live, I do not have access to any dealer who has these brands.
Many thanks!
Sabai "sleeping" was only a metaphore, i diddnt said that anyone should be impressed with that...what i meant to say is that guy knows when something sounds just right becuz of spending his life listening and playing various instruments in Vienna philharmonic and i suppose that counts(btw he also heard alot of hi-end gear)...correct image, attack, decay and timbral accuracy of tones of instruments is what i meant...(i suppose you know that for right stereo picture you need two subs...and guess you are lucky to integrate your sub right with your speakers cuz alot of people that i know wasnt that lucky with that issue and did not get coherent sound as they expected) at the end only what matters is our own taste so just wanted to say no hard feelings about my opinion...i hope you enjoy your system...
George if you do that demo pls share your experience with us...regards...

No hard feelings at all. My REL is seamless -- integrates beautifully with my speakers. I will be replacing them with the Raidho C1.1 soon.
Sabai im glad you find yourself a combination that fully satisfies your musical tastes and that is what matters most...when you done the deal and spend some time with speakers please write thing or two about your system :) allways open to learn from other sources...regards...
Just found out my dealers D1's are out on loan again. Not sure when they are coming back.