Raidho D1/C1.1 vs Dynaudio C1 vs Magico Q1

I am looking to upgrade to a state of the art monitor speaker. Excellent dynamics, transparecy (without dryness),coherent sound and impressive bass extension (for a monitor) are the characteristics I am looking for. The partnering equipment is Resolution audio Cantata (source), Marantz SC-7s2 (pre-amp) & Burmester 956 mk. II (amplifier). I would appreciate if any of the members (who own these or have auditioned and compared these) can give me some valuable feedback/impressions on how these speakers compare to one another (I realize that the Dynaudio is at a much lower price point). I know the technology in the Raidho monitors is very impressive but is the sound that much more special?
Where I live, I do not have access to any dealer who has these brands.
Many thanks!
Just to follow up, I don't want to give the impression that the CR1's are totally playing catch up to the Raidho's in every aspect. Just the upper octaves. I actually think That augmenting the CR1's with a super tweeter and subs has given me everything I have ever looked for in a fairly compact speaker system. The Inner detail provided is probably the best I have heard. I would love to hear the Raidho's again in more detail. If anyone in the NYC area has them and wants to compare systems, MSG me. I'm just glad I found a solution to avoid having to sell my speakers and buy Raidho's. I guess one could say diamonds are now a guys's best friend too.
I guess one could say diamonds are now a guys's best friend too
Great one - I'm going to use that line too!!!
Interesting Emailists. I have also felt the Raidho C-1.1 (and by extension the Raidho D1) had a better upper end and certainly resolved more detail than the TAD CR1. Yes, the TAD could push more air than the Raidho in the bottom end - no real surprise there being a 3 way with significantly larger woofer.
There is an upcoming Audio show in San Francisco and also in Toronto. Vancouver is a short car ride away. You will be able to hear these speakers there.
Raindog031, sorry for the late reply. In my first post in this thread I have sounded a bit like I was picking on you. That was certainly not my intention. Since this post is not about Avantgarde speakers and/or rock and metal music I will answer you in more detail on my system page. Best wishes, Paul.