Is The Overall Weight Of A Speaker Important?

The Magico Q7 weighs 750 lbs and costs $165K. What does added weight add to a speaker?

The JL Audio F213 subwoofer has two drivers and weighs 360 lbs. It costs $12k. It seems as the weight goes up, the price goes up.
Sorry for rambling on further, but there may be something to the weight idea. Similar to those who say that weight of an amp also correlates w SQ, due to importance of power supply, energy storage and output xformers, all of which come w significant weight. The laws of physics dictate that large boxes, large drivers, and/or large magnets are typically required to achieve an acceptable compromise btwn efficiency and frequency extension. Now there are some designers who are clever enough to provide at least the subjective impression of near full range extension w smaller boxes or lighter weigh panel designs, but you've still got to move air to make sound; and lots of it at low frequencies.
Not per se. But it may be indicative of things the designer has done that is important.

The best speaker I have ever heard is a smallish stand-mount two way where each speaker weighs nearly 50kg. The reason is is its made out of HD3 and lined internally with 3/4 copper plate to reduce resonances.

If you come across a speaker that weighs a bomb there is a reason and that is usually positive for the speakers performance.


Your comments have changed the way I think about it. I was thinking that every speaker maker was trying to reach the holy grail or 'perfect' speaker. I now see your point, that speakers have different 'missions'. Just like cars, aircraft and every other product.

Thanks for the post.
Rega makes lightweight speakers, they claim excess weight just stores unwanted energy, same claim as their TT's.
I don't know if thats true, but I do know their speakers sound very good.
"they claim excess weight just stores unwanted energy"

If its unwanted energy wouldn't we want to store it someplace? If it is not stored where did this unwanted energy go?

Multiple English speaker makers have done an excellent job of using the box resonances from light enclosures to augment the bass output. The box resonance is "tuned" very much like you "tune" a port to be a positive addition to the overall frequency response.