These are some very good choices - nice range of different styles. Here are some obvious suggestions, which you probably already know. But here goes anyway.
Make sure you listen to all through the same electronics, hopefully something close to what you have. Once narrowed down, the dealer should let you take your top 2 choices home.
To expand Chayro's suggestion, find some particular passages that emphasize things that are important to you - detail on strings or piano, deep bass, speed, sweet mid-range, vocals, large scale orchestra, complex rock, etc. and hone in on them, especially if it comes down to a couple of the options.
Figure out the basic characteristic of each - lots of detail, forward versus laid back, sweet mid-range, bass, etc.
Four brands can be a lot to listen to, unless something really jumps out at you. Don't be afraid to come back to listen to your top choices.
If you plan to use these on stands, think about floor standers also. They often take up the same room as book shelfs on stands. At least listen, if they are an option. Totem Arros, for example, are pretty small. Golden Ears need more space with their side firing woofers.
If these are going to be close to a wall, think about the effect of the port, if they have one. You probably will not hear this at a dealer demo. Think about port plugs.
Should be educational and fun. Good luck.
Make sure you listen to all through the same electronics, hopefully something close to what you have. Once narrowed down, the dealer should let you take your top 2 choices home.
To expand Chayro's suggestion, find some particular passages that emphasize things that are important to you - detail on strings or piano, deep bass, speed, sweet mid-range, vocals, large scale orchestra, complex rock, etc. and hone in on them, especially if it comes down to a couple of the options.
Figure out the basic characteristic of each - lots of detail, forward versus laid back, sweet mid-range, bass, etc.
Four brands can be a lot to listen to, unless something really jumps out at you. Don't be afraid to come back to listen to your top choices.
If you plan to use these on stands, think about floor standers also. They often take up the same room as book shelfs on stands. At least listen, if they are an option. Totem Arros, for example, are pretty small. Golden Ears need more space with their side firing woofers.
If these are going to be close to a wall, think about the effect of the port, if they have one. You probably will not hear this at a dealer demo. Think about port plugs.
Should be educational and fun. Good luck.