What speakers should I consider around $5000?

I'm ready to move on from my current system: Bryston 4BST, Proceed Pre, Revel Performa F30's and Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC. I'm planning to keep the DAC, and swap the Bryston and Proceed out for a decent integrated SS amp (just don't want to "do" tubes, even though I think they can sound great). I like the relatively deep bass of the Revels, but they can sound very bloated without VERY expensive cabling.

I recently heard the following speakers and enjoyed them, but wanted to get some feedback on these and suggestions for others in about the $5k retail price range. I'm open to a used speaker too. Here's the list: Martin Logan Theos, Von Gaylord VG-8, Salk Veracity HT2-TL, Wilson Audio Duette (yes, I know this is dramatically more expensive, but I liked the sound). Also, wondered about the new Revel F308s.

And another issue to consider is WAF....she's HATED the look of the Revels since I first got them 13 years ago. Something a bit less monolithic would be great.

As a separate but related question, I've previewed a Karan Acoustic KA i180 MkII and thought it was great, but if I go down that route, it'll limit my speaker budget to some degree.

I'm getting confused by all the options, so I thought I'd ask for some advice to get me some clarity.


Listened to the Revel F208's and Sonus Faber Cremona (think it was the M version, but not positive) today. First listened to the Revels with the Luxman L550, next with the Musical Fidelity M6i. Also listened to the Sonus with the M6.

To keep it short for the moment, the Revel's just didn't do it for me. I was impressed by the midrange response and linearity, but the bass response didn't do it for me....there were lots of notes that I'd previously heard on recordings that just didn't show up. With the M6, there was more life and liveliness to the presentation, but it was still not significantly different than my F30's (with less bass).

Switched over to the Cremona's as the dealer has a demo sale on them (still expensive for me but really worth considering). I was very taken with these speakers. Truly lifelike and natural instrumental sounds, great midrange (loved how voices sounded), excellent soundstage, and just a very realistic (with just the right amount of detail) sound. This was my very first SF.....left feeling quite impressed.

More to come in a couple of days.
Matt , I would second the Vandersteen Treo's or 3A Signature and Ayre Integrated. I recently spent a few days listening to this combination and felt it covered everything in the music spectrum from top to bottom. Vandersteen also goes well with tube gear.

If you live anywhere near Verona NJ, I would highly recommend visiting John at Audio Connection