Antistatic gun for CDs?

Quick story...My CDP has been having disk errors or reading "NO DISK" while the CD is in the tray. This is after I've wiped all my disks with a soft cloth and repositioned the disk.
So now I'm thinking I'll have to clean the lens, but first I tried using my Zerostat gun on the CD...and it plays, in fact every disc plays.
Also, the CD sounds better; it's more open and with more detail.
In the archives I read about rubbing CDs with dryer sheets to prevent static, so I ask all you experts, is there scientific evidence to explain better performance and sound from a CDP after using the Zerostat?
Schipo, couldn't the rotation of the disc build up a static charge on the plastic clear layer? Wouldn't that explain why products like Nordost anti static spray and ionizers work on CDs? Just sayin'.
That's a good point regarding the clear layer holding a static charge, Geoffkait, but getting back to my original post; a static charge must have some influence on the lens or disc drive.
I'm not the only one here who notices better performance.
Any other thoughts?
Lowrider57, don't get me wrong, I've been using anti static spray and ionizer guns on CDs since peanut butter was invented. Since the laser beam is electromagnetic in nature I suppose there's the possibility that the electric static charge could influence the shape and/or path of the laser beam. There was another theory floating around way back when that the static charging and discharging on the surface of the CD caused it to wobble.
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