Squeezebox Touch with an Oppo BDP-105

Am thinking of getting the Oppo BDP-105 to replace my Denon DVD-2930ci. I use A Logitech Squeezebox Touch to play WAV & FLAC versions of my ripped CD's as well as HD Tracks downloads & internet radio. I use the SBT analog outs currently into a 2 ch preamp. With the addition of the Oppo I could use it as a DAC for the SBT. Should I try Digital coax, optical or Usb for best results? I believe all the outs on the SBT are active simultaneously so comparing the SBT DAC to the Oppo DAC should be easily accomplished.
Has anyone tried this setup?
Thanks Kr4. Would probably go digital RCA coax out of the Touch. Really like the way the Touch operates so would be reluctant to give it up.

Thanks Knghifi. Have heard positive things about the Bolder upgrades but remember them being pricey.

Thanks Tonyangel for your findings. I hear disabling the analog outs improves the sound using digital. I want to leave all outputs active to start so I can compare the analog to digital outs. If I do indeed like the digital outs to a DAC better then disabling the analog outs would be my next step. I use some of the settings Klaus (Soundcheck) recommends like disabling apps you are not using but have not installed Toolbox 3.0. Is it a pretty easy and painless process? One thing recommended is to change where the FLAC is encoded. When I tried the Soundcheck setting for this my HD Tracks 24/192 albums would not play at all showing an "Unsupported Sample Rate". Switching back to stock setting they played fine. Of course they are downsampling them to 24/96 as the Touch analog outs will only play 24/96 and below. I run my Touch wireless which may be a factor. I have heard that 1.5m is best length but also have heard 1m is optimum length as well. Some say it doesn't matter. Anybody tried it? Thanks!
Tonyangel, very interesting "Toolbox 3.0 Squeezebox Touch" info. I will give it a spin if ever use SBT with my music server. I'm already using most of the Media Server settings.
Tuneman, really, I don't even remember if the Touch will play 24/192 files without the "Enhanced Digital Out" third party application. If you are getting an unsupported file error with 24/192 files, you should try installing the "Enhanced Digital Out" third party application.

As far as having your server (whatever it is that you may be using) doing the decoding, your success is going to be dependent upon your setup.

If you are feeding files over a wireless connection, you may run into problems because sending the decoded file over the network takes up a lot more bandwidth. If you run into problems having your server doing the decoding, just leave the setting so that the Touch is doing the decoding.

I have my NAS and Touch on a wired network and have never had any problems having the decoding done on my NAS. I use a Synology Disk Station.
I've tweaked my Touch a lot! I think most agree the analog
outputs can be easily bettered with an external DAC (I use a
NAD M51).

So just get an optical and a coax cable and run it into your
Oppo - see which you like better.

Here are the tweaks I've applied:
1. linear power supply - made the most difference. I use a
DIY AMB O11 supply. I also compared it to the iFi iUSB
(which can power the Touch) which is very good. John Swenson
also designed a Touch supply which is meant to be excellent
and cheap to construct.

2. Triode EDO applet mentioned above - this thing is great
and allows you to disable the analog outputs as well as
enabling 192 output over USB

3. A good coax cable. I always prefer coax to optical. The
1.5m thing is really a rule of thumb. It's premised on the
reduction of signal reflections along the transmission line
but this is difficult to control without measurement
equipment, and it's wholly dependent on the impedance
matching of the Touch to the receiving DAC. So what one
person says is best is really what's best for their
particular DAC. That being said, I've tried several coax
cables for the Touch using different DACs and found the
Wireworld Starlight 6 consistently a very good match. It's
also not that expensive.

4. Aftermarket USB-S/PDIF converter - made a nice
improvement as well. I use the iFi iLink + iUSB. The iLink
gave the bulk of the improvement and the iUSB I would say is
optional overall.

5. I've also tried the Touch Toolbox and didn't like version
3 that much, so have removed it. Soundcheck also recommended
the expensive Meicord ethernet cable but I don't notice much
difference with it. I also tried the Squeezebooster inline
choke but it only makes a very minor change.

So...try the EDO plugin (it's free), try optical and coax
into your Oppo...consider a new power supply and actually
you should test going straight into the Oppo using USB as
according to this spreadsheet it works with the EDO plugin
(then the iUSB + Gemini cable would be a more compelling
upgrade later)


After reading your post, I went and removed TT 3.0 and reinstalled the EDO app. I've been meaning to try it anyway, since I jut got a different pre amp.

When going from the TT 3.0 to the EDO app, in my system, the stage got wider, but I lost some depth and the vocals are more recessed. I'm gonna run it like this for a while and see, but I think I'll ultimately go back to using TT 3.0.

All we're ultimately doing is tweaking the priorities of the threads to get the sound that we like. Apparently, TT 3.0 and EDO use different priority settings for the different threads, hence the change in the character of the music, along with the improvements that we get by killing unneeded things like wireless and analogue outs.

A little while back, I happened across a thread by a guy that took the time to isolate the interrupts controlling the threads that affect the character of the music. You could make changes on the fly to A/B the effects of the changes, then write the changes that you liked into the config files. For the life of me, I can't find the thread now.

Isn't a shame that you can't do the same with a CD player? I really like my SBT.