Linn LP12 vs. VPI Classic 1 and 3

As an owner of an LP12, I am considering an upgrade to a VPI Classic 1 or 3 or 4. I have heard a Classic 1, but not in my system. Have not heard the up scale Classic 3 or 4. So my question is- for those who have heard or own the Linn and have heard the VPI's, do they sound better than the regular Linn Lp12 with Valhalla ( my version),...can they and do they beat the Linn with Lingo, and do they compete with the uber Linn-LP12 Radikal/Keel? If so, which models of the VPI are the winners in these comparisons ( if that is the case at all).
Daveyf, I own an LP12 and have thought about changing to another brand of table. In my area it seems that the only dealers that display TT's are doing so with MusicHall, Rega or a few VPI. I did find a dealer with a Classic II and sat down to listen to it for about an hour. They had it set up in a great Moon/Sonus Farber system but had an entry level dynavector mounted. I am sure that with a more expensive cartridge I would have come away with a different impression. But in that listening session I did find the Classic II to have some merit in the extraction of the music from the groove, but it lacked a musical warmth that I gain from my LP12/Kleos combo. I have the Trampolin/Lingo/Cirkus/Ekos on my LP12 and have been waivering on getting away from it, mainly due to a need for change. I posted a thread here about 2 months ago that you may research for the replies I received. As for the "change" I feel I need to make, I have back-burnered it until I can get a chance to hear some other tables. Also the dealer that had the Classic II told me he had hopes of getting his boss to let him mount a Lyra on that table, then I would want to hear it again. I think that VPI has done a great job on that table and it is departure from the "traditional VPI" design, in my opinion, and I haven't ruled it out. Although the Classic III is the direction I would go should I buy. Also I am waiting to see and hear the Rega P10(?) or even the P8 along with other brands. But to answer your query, it is difficult at best to offer advice from a uncertain POV at this time.
At the end of the day the LP12 has many positives and a few negatives for my particular needs. If I keep it I plan to add a Khan and possibly other items. But after a while I realize that my returns start to diminish and I know that I won't go the way of the Radikal or the Keel as the costs are way over priced, in my opinion. I think at that point I will buy something else...but what?
I have a friend who got rid of a tricked out Linn in favour of a VPI Traveller, to me they sounded about the same.
Theo, I am of the same opinion as you. The upgrade path for the Linn is not IMO cost effective at all. I'm not tied to the VPI's, but they do seem to be easy to source and I have heard great things about the Classic 3 and 4. When I heard the Classic 1, it was not set up with a great cartridge and the system it was playing on was nothing special. So, I came away with a inconclusive conclusion.
Schubert, the VPI traveller compared to what version of the LP12? Perhaps the basic Linn would be in the same league as the Traveller, BUT I would have a hard time believing that the more upscale versions of the Linn would sound the same. OTOH, the Linn is so restricted with the arm ability that I could see if one had a LVX Plus or maybe even an Ittok mounted that the Traveller may sound the same, regardless of what version.
I'm using a WTA - that and the Naim Aro are IMO the two best arms for the Linn, this is one of the BIGGEST failings of this design ( no ability to mount a variety of arms) again IMHO. The VPI's do come with an arm that is far superior to these, IMO.
PRAT and the linn thats all u ever hear. Listen to the PRAT...u would think that no other table can beform this marketing sales gimmick?
I had a VPI. It was ok. I'm on my 3rd Linn LP12 properly set up. POS? Hardly, unless you are a d.i.y. and don't know what you're doing. I bought a Rega RP-3 back in May, and it's ok for the price, but just doesn't compare, especially since I got this last Linn for 1250.00 with a Black Ittock LVII arm.