Srbedard, I believe you only identified one of three problems with reading cartridge recommendations. It is true and understandable that dealers may not be happy to loan out expensive cartridges for home trial.
But also there is the compatibility issue with your table/arm and your phono stage. For example, your VPI may not function at its highest potential with all cartridges. VPI recommends Dynavector and Grado but I'm not sure how well the other three you mention might work?
The third point is personal taste. That is something each of us has been developing our entire lives and even if you and I owned identical systems otherwise, who is to say we would choose the same cartridge.
So I can only suggest some general advice. Assuming most cartridges will have a "family sound", listen to any models you can from your four candidates. Do the research or contact VPI to inquire about compatibility of your three non-Dyna alternatives. I think you are on the right track in considering buying used. After the previous points look for reasonable offerings from your revised short list. If you have the budget, buy more than one. Nothing can replace an extended home audition, then you can resell whatever you don't prefer, hopefully for something close to your cost.
Good luck
But also there is the compatibility issue with your table/arm and your phono stage. For example, your VPI may not function at its highest potential with all cartridges. VPI recommends Dynavector and Grado but I'm not sure how well the other three you mention might work?
The third point is personal taste. That is something each of us has been developing our entire lives and even if you and I owned identical systems otherwise, who is to say we would choose the same cartridge.
So I can only suggest some general advice. Assuming most cartridges will have a "family sound", listen to any models you can from your four candidates. Do the research or contact VPI to inquire about compatibility of your three non-Dyna alternatives. I think you are on the right track in considering buying used. After the previous points look for reasonable offerings from your revised short list. If you have the budget, buy more than one. Nothing can replace an extended home audition, then you can resell whatever you don't prefer, hopefully for something close to your cost.
Good luck