The Trouble with Cartridge Recommendations

I am having an issue with cartridge recommendations. I understand that the best scenario is to test carts in my system with my music in my room. This requires a pretty outstanding relationship with a dealer who has multiple carts on hand. Short of that, is to purchase through a dealer who can recommend a cart and support his recommendation with a fantastic return policy.

Problem is, with the internet at my disposal, I can purchase slightly used carts, demo models, NOS, off shore imports at fractions of the cost of going through a dealer. The up shot is my money goes A LOT further. Problem is, there is no more guaranty that it will suit tastes and existing gear...

Which brings me to this forum and a plead for recommendations based on the collective array of experience.

Let me introduce myself. I have been primarily listening to records for about 15 years and been taking it pretty seriously the last 5-6 years. I love open baffle speakers and well designed tube amps. My friends consistently have very high priced hi fi set ups so I am aware of fantastic analog reproduction. But I need to be more creative with my budget to get the most out of a dollar.

Music tastes are hard pin point. I have about 5-6 records that represent my main tastes and NEED to sound fantastic for me to be happy, the artists are: Nick Drake, Syd Barrett, OutKast, Jesus Lizard, The Dirty Three, and The shangri-las...

My system (which I enjoy and would like to keep as is):
VPI Classic 1 (standard)
PS Audio GCPH (phono stage)
Eico HF81 (fully rebuilt integrated amp)
GR Research V1 (OB speakers with Servo Sub Bass)

My ideal cart throws a huge sound stage with fantastic dynamics. Detailed low end with impact and smooth treble. I like a pinpoint centre image. I can give up the most precise detail and accuracy for pleasure and engagement.

Keeping in mind that I would like to do this on a reasonable budget is key. I will be searching for any deal I can find once I narrow my search. My short list is:
ZYX R100
Dynavector 20x
Benz Glider
Shelter 501 (901)

So thanks for reading this, and please let me know what you all think. I will certainly respond with any further info and I will also try to contribute myself to re-pay the advice I get here.
Srbedard, I believe you only identified one of three problems with reading cartridge recommendations. It is true and understandable that dealers may not be happy to loan out expensive cartridges for home trial.

But also there is the compatibility issue with your table/arm and your phono stage. For example, your VPI may not function at its highest potential with all cartridges. VPI recommends Dynavector and Grado but I'm not sure how well the other three you mention might work?

The third point is personal taste. That is something each of us has been developing our entire lives and even if you and I owned identical systems otherwise, who is to say we would choose the same cartridge.

So I can only suggest some general advice. Assuming most cartridges will have a "family sound", listen to any models you can from your four candidates. Do the research or contact VPI to inquire about compatibility of your three non-Dyna alternatives. I think you are on the right track in considering buying used. After the previous points look for reasonable offerings from your revised short list. If you have the budget, buy more than one. Nothing can replace an extended home audition, then you can resell whatever you don't prefer, hopefully for something close to your cost.

Good luck
Regarding compatibility, once I am assured that the VTA and VTF are acceptable for the arm/cart combo. Is there much else beyond compliance compatibility in pre-determining a suitable match?
I would find out the cartridge weight (plus headhsell and screws weight if available), the effective mass of the tonearm, and the cartridge compliance number. With this information, I then refer to a cartridge/tonearm compatibility chart (you can google it) and see if the resonance in hertz is between 7hz and 12hz.

I will narrow my choices based upon the above analysis. Then I would read reviews and listen to those cartridges at dealers. Once I find a cartridge I like, I would stick with the same brand (since they all have similar house sound) and upgrade to higher models in the future when budget allows.

I have been quite successful picking cartridges based upon the above process. That said, there is no guarantee that the sound will be perfect for you. There is also no way you can try the cartridge in your home system unless the dealer lets you return it for full refund. I haven't found such dealer.

Hope this helps. Good luck.
If I understand your statement correctly, I believe VTA and VTF have nothing to do with compatibility. You adjust them to fine tune the sound you like once you installed the cartridge.
I'll second Swampwalker's reco to contact Mehran if interested in a ZYX. You have to be careful with a ZYX on a VPI arm. VPI recommends cartridges weighing over 7 grams and having compliance of 10 or higher.

I don't think the lower priced ZYX's meet the 7 gram requirement. I guess you could always buy a weight from VPI to use with the ZYX. Just know that ahead of time.

Dynavectors and Lyras are very popular with VPI tables. I'm running a Dyna XX mk II on my Scoutmaster, works well.