02-20-13: Srbedard
.......My ideal cart throws a huge sound stage with fantastic dynamics. Detailed low end with impact and smooth treble. I like a pinpoint centre image. I can give up the most precise detail and accuracy for pleasure and engagement.
..........I am currently running a Denon 103 Midas. I love the flavour and I will likely keep this cart forever (bedroom system), but the short falls are now way too obvious for me.
If you like the Denon Midas' qualities, but seek greater clarity, transparency, soundstage size and image precision - then consider getting a SoundSmith ruby cantilever/line contact retip. It will provide all of these things as well as much improved tracking ability.
I only have experience with the Soundsmith's work on the Midas/103R but center image precision (not really a strong point of the stock cartridge) is top notch, in fact quite a bit better than the Ortofon Jubilee in my system. Stage width - which is admirable in the stock cartridge - is ultra wide with the retip with much improved height at the speakers and beyond. Clarity in the depth of field is markedly improved. The treble range has amazing clarity compared to stock. Low end impact is not up with the Jubilee, but improves on stock 103R and moreover has great tactile/informative qualities. Best of all the cartridge retains great tonal body and musical engagement - love the sound of brass instruments with this cartridge.
Something to consider - and a relatively inexpensive option.