Isolation Platform for my Sota Cosmos?

Delving into the murky waters of all things Isolation Platforms to complement my Sota Cosmos turntable to try to understand which - if any - isolation platform would work best with my Sota Cosmos turntable - which is a suspended turntable. The Cosmos already has great isolation qualities so i am wondering if there is actually anything out there that could improve the sound quality from this TT. Any suggestions? Thank You
The best Isolation stand is to mount a platform through a stud on your wall. I had Sound Anchors of Florida make me a thick metal piece that can be mounted on the wall. On the metal piece they welded a cross member like a T on it. You then place a 2 or 3 inch piece of maplewood block to match the dimensions of your turntable. Place the table on top of this. You can bring an armored tank into your room and your table will be stable.
Before i upgraded to TW AC3 i had Sota Cosmos I used Symposium ultra Stealth top with great sound.It will give you great bass,deep stage,wide image etc the best for turntables.I am still using Symposium Ultra Stealth top.
How about just replacing the factory feet with Stillpoints Ultra SS or Ultra 5?
Feet, spikes, pucks are band-aids. Take JWM's advice and hang it on the wall. It's the best and least expensive way to isolate a TT.
SYMPOSIUM is an isolation platform not feet or a wall shelf however it can be used on a wall shelf.