DV 20X-L: Sutherland, Dynavector P75 or Heed....

Looking at phono stages in the $800-$1200 range. Any thoughts on the Sutherland's, Heed Quasar, or DV's own P75-3. TT is WT Amadeus, Integrated is an LM 211, EL34 based amp. Speakers are Spendor 3/5's. Needless to say, flexibility and good tonality are desired. This won't be a headbanging system. That is for my main system in a larger room. Cheers-Don
If you have it narrowed down this far, then why not try to audition both? That is the easiest way to tell what works best in your system, according to your tastes (rather than in the system of some other person, and according to the tastes of that person).

Forums are great for narrowing down options. But in the end, let your ears decide.
Thanks Roscoeiii and Zd542. I have a Quasar on the way. Roscoeiii, I was taking a close look at the Pulsus, but it ultimately came down to price. I was already bumping up from the P75 to the Heed price wise. Cheers -Don
I went P75 with my DV20xl and it's an awesome unit. It's also a nice match for a Denon DL103 if you want to try something else. I've heard a lot of lower cost phono pres and the P75 is my favorite.
I've owned a P75 and a Sutherland PHD. I think the tonality of the Sutherland is superior. It's the best sounding phono stage I've ever heard.