Anyone had power supply failure with an AVID TT?

I've owned my AVID Sequel for less than a month, and in that time, the power supply has stopped in midstream of playback on 3 occasions. The power supply remains on, but PLAY mysteriously switches OFF during album play. I owned the Volvere for less than a year, and had to return my power supply on two separate occasions due to it completely failing. THe first time it happened, it simply wouldn't turn 'ON', and the second time, the supply turned 'ON', but wouldn't initiate the spinning of the platter. Customer service was excellent, and AVID replaced the entire Volvere drive train. Things went perfectly smoothly for 3 months, and being so happy, I decided to upgrade to the Sequel. Now, one month into owning the Sequel, this automatic 'shut off' has occurred on three occasions. I went through the trouble of measuring my AC voltage over the period of an entire weekend, and noted the voltage to fluctuate between 117 - 122 volts. Has anyone else owning an AVID TT ever experienced a power supply problem? I do love this table, but these power supply issues are very distressing. Thanks for any input.
Well 117-122V is a perfectly middle of the road range of volage swings (wish mine was that good). So I'd look into other possibilities than just the voltage range. Not to say that the power coming from your sockets isn't the problem. But if those are your voltage swings, they are well within normal voltage parameters.
Could static be the culprit?

When I first set up my Michell Orbe SE in my old house, the power supply would mysteriously switch from 33rpm to 45rpm and vice versa mid-play. There's a button on the power supply that you push to do so, and the light indicator would go from green to red to indicate that the speed has changed.

The Michell engineer figured out that it was due to static build-up after I walked across the room on carpet. So I touched the rack to dissipate static before I touch the turntable each time, and the problem went away.

Just a thought.

Thanks so much FrankC. I appreciate your feedback - and everyone else - thank you as well.
Had mine for years (Volvere to Sequel SP) no problems. Talk with Bes at Music Direct. Avis's tables have a 10 yeas warranty.