Interconnects Roller Coaster Ride

I purchased a pair of Morrow MA-1 interconnects, burned them in 24/7 for 500 hours. At present, I'm at about 550 hours. Each night I now listened to my system for about three hours. For two straight nights, the sound is gorgeous with the Morrows. Then the third night things sound bad. This pattern has repeated itself twice now. My assumption was that once the interconnects have been fully burned in, they will stabilize and will always sound good. Has anyone experienced this continued roller coster ride in good-to-poor sound from the Morrows?
Just curious, but what leads you to conclude that the Morrows are responsible for the fluctuations you are perceiving? How do you know that it is not something in one of your components, such as tubes, or fluctuations in AC line voltage or noise conditions, or any of many other conceivable causes?

-- Al
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I have owned several pairs of Morrow Audio cables and have never experienced anything like you mention. The cables are very stable after 500 hours and should not exhibit what you are experiencing.

I would look at voltage and incoming AC to see if they are stable.