Zyx vs. Van Den Hul

I was wondering if anyone had any experience in comparing these two. I am interested in something in the 2K range, so the VDH MC One-S or R100 Yatra level. Would welcome any thoughts on any low-mid range offerings from either manufacturer.
Thanks guys- Keep it coming, but it seems the ZYX is further to my taste. Roscoeiii- thanks again as always. It would be on my std Amadeus or Amadeus GTA. Either way, same 10.5 arm. I would guess the effective mass to be quite low on the Amadeus tonearm...? Cheers-Don
I had the frog at one time and also thought it was not the most musical. I have ZYX now.
Hmm, I would be a little worried about a ZYX on a low mass arm, but I am not sure how the silicon damping would affect these calculations.

I use it with the highest effective mass armwand available for my Moerch tonearm.

Worth checking with Mehran at Sorasound about.

And I will say that I love my ZYX 4D. What a stellar cart.
Though I did find mention of a ZYX working well with the WTA over on Audio Circle.

Mike Pranka at Dynavector USA (importer of WT tables) might be worth consulting with if your local WTA dealer isnt of help.