Zyx vs. Van Den Hul

I was wondering if anyone had any experience in comparing these two. I am interested in something in the 2K range, so the VDH MC One-S or R100 Yatra level. Would welcome any thoughts on any low-mid range offerings from either manufacturer.
Hmm, I would be a little worried about a ZYX on a low mass arm, but I am not sure how the silicon damping would affect these calculations.

I use it with the highest effective mass armwand available for my Moerch tonearm.

Worth checking with Mehran at Sorasound about.

And I will say that I love my ZYX 4D. What a stellar cart.
Though I did find mention of a ZYX working well with the WTA over on Audio Circle.

Mike Pranka at Dynavector USA (importer of WT tables) might be worth consulting with if your local WTA dealer isnt of help.

If using a ZYX on a lower mass arm like those you mentioned:
a) make sure you get a cartridge with the optional "SB" weight (fitted by ZYX, not a user add-on); and
b) consider adding a 3-6gm headshell weight (VPI offers them for their tonearms).

It will sound okay without these measures, but somewhat lightweight in bass and dynamics. Getting the eff. mass up around 15cu or above will restore heft and jump to the music without detracting from the naturalness that ZYX cartridges are famed for.

Swampwalker is correct. ZYX uses a different test LP for level testing and their output specs are therefore conservative (low) compared with most other brands. Multiply a ZYX output spec by 1.34 to obtain a roughly comparable figure.

I would advise AGAINST getting a high output ZYX (.48mv, which really generates around .64mv) unless your phono stage absolutely lacks enough gain for the low output version (.24mv, which really generates around .32mv). I believe Monbrison claims your preamp can handle down to .2mv so I wouldn't expect a problem.

If your phono stage lacks enough gain for a .32mv cartridge then I'd advise against getting any LOMC, ZYX or otherwise.

I've had most ZYX models in my system and have A/B'd several high output vs. low output versions of the same cartridge. In every case the high output model lacked dynamics, heft, speed and spark compared with its low output sibling. This has also been true of the few other HO vs. LO comparisons I've heard. If you don't have the gain for a true LOMC, stick with MM. There are many good MM's that will sound just as good as a HOMC, for thousands of dollars less.

That said, the ZYX lineup in its LO versions offers great music for the money (incredibly great if you can swing a 4D, UNIverse or UNIverse II).

friend of and occasional technical consultant to Mehran
avid ZYX lover for 10 years (read my reviews)
haven't heard a VdH
Thanks- Perhaps I will e-mail Mike P, to see if he has any insight. I almost hate to ask him about a competing brand, to the Dynavector.... Hi Dougdeacon, thanks for the suggestions. The SB does seem to be a worth while option. I checked w/ mehran, and he thinks the SB would be a good option only for a Fuji. In other words, instead of adding the SB to Yatra, just buy Fuji w/ no SB for same $. I can see the SB being a benefit, as it almost doubles the weight. I read in a review the Atmos jumps from 4g to 7.9 w/ the SB. It seems hearing one will be a tall order, unless I go to Chicago. I bet it would be worth the trip. May even get away with no wind.
Yeah, good luck on that no wind thing...

Not entirely clear what the rec from Mehran is here. Can you clarify. So he suggests Fuji with SB, but you are thinking Fuji with no SB?