Mike I think people have just taken notice of an 'outlier' from the norm review of an expensive piece of gear ($8K cart) that was defective multiple times. It naturally raises concern about quality control of this specific model - not Ortofon in general.
Clearly Ortofon is stretching the boundaries of manufacturing with the Anna and its complex, sophisticated design. I also think that a 14 mo review from you about its great sound and zero problems along with a few others you know with the Anna having a similar good experience is very important to the discussion.
I also think Jeff Catalano at HWS has been spinning an Anna for a few months without any issues too.
Again probably the Fremer experience was an 'outlier' but justifiably unnerving. And good experiences like yours is great to hear and reassure propsective buyers. I have no doubt that someone from Ortofon has to be watching this thread (those industry guys in high end are everywhere!).
By the way, as much venom and lack of objectivity that Romy the Cat guy spews, why would anyone listen to him? Credibitlity factor is low with that guy from what I have read from him. Strong opinions, objectivity lacking.