Dear Raul,
Using the Vinyl Engine Calculator where you plug in the parameters (Eff Length, Off-set angle and Original Overhang) and then choose the new Overhang calculates the NEW Pivot to Spindle distance and gives you all the new Null Points and consequent geometry as well as the new distortion figures.
As the stated Overhang for the FR-64s arm is 15mm......I don't know from whence your 14.7mm derives?
Perhaps you can communicate with Vinyl Engine and let me know the outcome so that I can clarify my understanding?
As for the MA-505s which has the same Overhang as the FR-66s.....and as far as I am aware.....there is no Off-set Angle built into the straight headshells (this is part of the S or P shaped tonearm itself).......can you please explain exactly how to use the Calculator as I must surely be missing something?
Using the Vinyl Engine Calculator where you plug in the parameters (Eff Length, Off-set angle and Original Overhang) and then choose the new Overhang calculates the NEW Pivot to Spindle distance and gives you all the new Null Points and consequent geometry as well as the new distortion figures.
As the stated Overhang for the FR-64s arm is 15mm......I don't know from whence your 14.7mm derives?
Perhaps you can communicate with Vinyl Engine and let me know the outcome so that I can clarify my understanding?
As for the MA-505s which has the same Overhang as the FR-66s.....and as far as I am aware.....there is no Off-set Angle built into the straight headshells (this is part of the S or P shaped tonearm itself).......can you please explain exactly how to use the Calculator as I must surely be missing something?
So, please don't delete my posts it is clear that you are hearing " different " things wrong or non-correct " things ", again way higher distortions.As the "distortions you are listening to are infinitely greater than the zero distortions of a linear tracking do you decide the limit of what distortions are allowable for the rest of us.....and at which point they are audible?