VPI Traveler v1 vs v2 comparison

I am new to the site. I have been considering the purchase of the VPI Traveler but v1 or v2? I was just wondering if anyone knows the changes recently made to the traveler. I know they are said to be "improvements" but it's hard to tell with the new rubber feet and I heard the v2 replaces the IEC with a wall wart power supply, the wiring also appears to be downgraded by looking at the limited pictures I could find.
Thanks, I am just wondering if I should go for the new v2 or pick up the v1 while they are still available and on sale at many locations.
You can call/email VPI and ask them yourself about the changes to help you make this decision. The traveler is a great table and I think you would be happy with either version.

I have the original Traveler and I very happy with this version.
Below is VPI's response from my email asking them a few questions about some changes made to the version 2 Traveler.
1- The arm was changed to incorporate longer pins on the bearings so when the arm froze in UPS it would not come apart. They do not come apart in your home, even the old ones. Actually as we found out most arm bearings were broken because customers tried to rotate the counterweight instead of the adjustment thumbscrew in the rear!!!
2- The mat was changed because the new one sounds better. It is removable.
3- The logo was moved because of all the complaints of it in the front - we can't please anyone with this one.
4- The price increase is due to the inclusion of a 60 HZ generating power supply for much better sound and speed control. The Traveler now has a small SDS power supply built in.
Number 5 and 6 are my own additional remarks: The paint for the different colors is no longer a gloss finish but more of a matte finish. Number 6, the feet are no longer made of metal but made of rubber. This might make the sound a little warmer and help with vibration. Hope this helps! Tom
@ Sbrownnw,

That is true I also noticed this. Not sure it is the belt (typical belt squeak) I think it might just be the pulley mechanism or the motor. It was a bit of an odd sound. But it only lasted about 3 seconds upon initial start up and then it was completely gone. I tried a few records and turned it off and on a few times and it always did the same thing. I guess the question to ask is if it is reliable (seems to be) then does that 3 seconds really ruin someones experience or not? It personally does not bother me much and it wouldn't be a deal breaker in buying one.