How much would an additional motor help

Just wondering what advantages there would be?
Some Audiophiles think, that 2 or 3 average motors will give a superior result, other think, 3x mediocre = mediocre, some think, one good motor is ok ... well the main advantage is, the manufacturer /dealer will get some money from you and you will feel better.
Dear Blueranger: Advantages?, through my AS experiences the only advantage is that for our friends is a better " looking " item.

I tested my TTs with additional motor comparing it the TT with one motor and I can't detected any kind of TT improvement in its quality performance level.

Of course you can try and decide by your self.

Btw, I like a lot the TT bearing design and motor controller, both first rate and better than other very very high price$$$$ TT out there.

Regards and enjoy the music,
I agree with Syntax, so color me skeptical. A start motor that engages just to get the platter up to speed would be helpful in some designs, provided it fully disengaged when the speed was reached, however.
Hi Rauliruegas,
Is your statement below refering to the Acoustic Signature?
The "TT" meaning AS?

"Btw, I like a lot the TT bearing design and motor controller, both first rate and better than other very very high price$$$$ TT out there."

Dear Hamburger: Yes, Acoustic Signature. I own two units that you can see through my Agon virtual system.

Regards and enjoy the music,