Upgrades or a different table?

After owning my rega P5 for three years with DV 10x5, all stock with no groove tracer or any other kind of upgrades, I'm wondering if it's worthy to invest to max performance or buying a new table?
Rest of my system.
Luxman 550 A II
Harbeth C7es3
PS audio phono
AZ hologram cables
Nordost RD LS series XLR IC.
Hegel HD11 DAC
PS audio PWD MKI
AZ silver reference IC

Do you think that my TT/cartridge is a weak link on my setup?

I listen 90% vinyl vs 10% digital.

All input highly appreciated, I'm curious about VPI TT And others.

Regards and thank you all.
If you listen to classical music, speed stability and striking 33.3 rmp is most important. Look to the classic Japanese DD of the late 70s 80s. If you can afford new prices, look at Brinkman.

When using older TTs with rubber mats, replace them with a product from TTWeights or the like. The compliant rubber creates small flex and lost music retrieval.

I am not familiar with your cartridge. However, a Denon DL-S1 is a very fine choice at a reasonable price (Comet Supply or Galen Carol).
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Phono preamp is always a good move. I haven't heard the PS audio it may be a good unit. If it were me I would put an Audiomods classic arm on the Rega. This will be a substantial improvement since you plan on keeping the Rega.
What phono are you guys suggesting as a keeper, considering the rest of my setup.
I think i can do better in analog with upgrades on my p5, i appreciate so much your time helping me with this.
The cart is brand new, i guess i have to sell the ps audio and get a different one but so many to choose from!