My new Soundsmith Straingauge cartridge

Well, after a bit of dillying and dallying, I finally got 'round to trying a home trial of this cart. After a couple of hours dialling in vtf, and esp. azimuth, it basically sold itself, and I bought it an hour later!
It's without doubt the fastest cart I've ever experienced, surpassing the Decca London Reference, but with none of that cart's tipped up 'whiteness'. But this blazing speed is combined with the natural sweetness of the Lyra Parnassus. It has the neutrality of the Transfiguration Orpheus with the dynamics and involvement of the ESCCo-modded Zu Denon 103. So, fast AND sweet, and neutral AND involving, combinations often too challenging for other so-called SOTA carts. All the carts I've mentioned I've had in my system over the years. But I admit, I haven't heard current contenders to the crown (Lyra Titan/Atlas, Ortofon Anna, Clearaudio Goldfinger etc) to make comparisons.
It's tracking really is superlative, 3d soundstaging/dimensionality is beyond the room constraints, and I really believe it has the least artifact-laden sound of any cart I've heard, with NO aural evidence of a diamond carving thru wax. It's really complimenting what's already a neutral, fast and dynamic analog rig in my system (Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive tt/Trans Fi Terminator air bearing linear tracking arm)
Steve, English is not Raul's native language.

Spiritofmusic, Is your dealer planing to set up the cartridge before it has broken-in or is he simply going to install it with proper alignment? I would think that he would wait some time for the suspension to loosen before he does the final adjustments, especially if azimuth is so critical. My dealer installed my cartridge and then came back after 40 hours to readjust and fine tune.

To Steve's point, my dealer (and others) have taught me a lot about analog set up and adjustments. It is worth the effort to learn how to do a reasonable job yourself as I think this will provide its owns rewards and for many vinyl lovers, it is an integral part of the hobby.
Dear Stevecham: Yes, unfortunatelly the English language is not my native one. Anyway, how is that almost every one understand my posts but you?. Take a look:

Now please let me know what of these statements that I posted you don't understand because you are " blaming " me because my english: ok, let me know:

+++++ " SS choosed to left the " cartridge " with its natural curve that is not similar/same than the RIAA curve: has high deviations comparing it to the RIAA curve.

One advantage of that aproach is that the signal does not pass for that " tortuose " RIAA inverse eq. proccess as any other cartridge but in the other side has the disadvantage that what you are hearing is different of what is in the recording due that does not conforms to the RIAA eq. curve.

So you hear differences because the signal is equalized in different way. If you use an external equalizer in your system you can change the signal performance, the equalized signal will have a different tonal balance that all other cartridges with out that equalization.

As with many audio subjects some of us don't give to much importance to many subjects, sometimes because we ignore it we have not the knowledge about and sometimes because we just don't care.

RIAA eq. curve is the standard and I mean it. " +++++

Regards and enjoy the music,
I don't own a SS SG , but I do know the difference eliminating a couple soldering joints makes between my turntable and preamp makes. I can only imagine what eliminating a circuit in my phono stage would do. If both normal phono stages and the SS SG offer a flat response, but the SG handles the signal in a more careful manner than the standard RIAA circuitry; it would only makes sense that those hearing the SG would be hearing a more accurate playback. It doesn't seem like their is room for debate on the subject more than personal opinions on the sound. The less a signal contends with the better. Am I missing an important part of the equation? Besides humans?
Tanathen, the sound sure seems accurate and lifelike, a quantum leap beyond other SOTA carts I've run. I have to say I've heard no colourations in vocals on any disc I'm pretty familiar with - Kate Bush still doesn't sound like Frank Sinatra!
Fine tuning of the cart has really paid dividends, the bass has really locked in, and the final piece of this particular audio jigsaw has been completed. Now, I'm getting a naturally extended and warm bass, but still faster than any other analog I know, complementing superlative mids and highs.
Just heard the maxxed install with NAT SET amps running thru my v. efficient Zu spkrs. Wow, I'm totally sold on this sound, and the SG cart really sounds limitless in this chain. Now, where's that chequebook?!
I would love to hear it on my et2 and sota.....someday, for now it's just me and my grado. It sounds great when I finally get a chance to listen, which isn't nearly as often as the doctor ordered. I'm willing to bet the farm the SG is in a different galaxy nevermind league. I'm glad you are loving it, soundsmith is a class act and Pete certainly knows what he's doing.