There is actually a logical default position: namely, that given there is a skating force (which is old, proven, science, well documented, though commonly misunderstood) and which leads to VTF being different on each channel, it should be counteracted.
it is approximately between a fifth and a third of the VTF, depending on stylus profile and other factors.
Now, while it may vary subtly to some debatable extent across the record and with platter rpm, it is, as Omsed stated, always there and always towards the centre. Applying anti-skate may or may not be audible, but it is designed to compensate for something which could result in record or stylus damage, which is why 99.9% of arms have it in some form.
Users seldom use VTF below cartridge makers recommendations, because the cartridge will mistrack and even if you can't hear that mistracking it is acknowledged as being a bad thing.
However, without anti-skate, the chances are that your cartridge is running below recommended VTF on the right channel.
There is actually a logical default position: namely, that given there is a skating force (which is old, proven, science, well documented, though commonly misunderstood) and which leads to VTF being different on each channel, it should be counteracted.
it is approximately between a fifth and a third of the VTF, depending on stylus profile and other factors.
Now, while it may vary subtly to some debatable extent across the record and with platter rpm, it is, as Omsed stated, always there and always towards the centre. Applying anti-skate may or may not be audible, but it is designed to compensate for something which could result in record or stylus damage, which is why 99.9% of arms have it in some form.
Users seldom use VTF below cartridge makers recommendations, because the cartridge will mistrack and even if you can't hear that mistracking it is acknowledged as being a bad thing.
However, without anti-skate, the chances are that your cartridge is running below recommended VTF on the right channel.