How important is +- 0.1 db from RIAA curve?

For example here is an excerpt from an interview with Conrad Mas of Avid.

Conversations with Conrad Mas of Avid HiFi:
7. Could you talk about the RIAA curve you chose and how designing a RIAA section is not such a trivial matter?

... When we looked into this matter further, however, we realized that most recording studios whilst sticking very closely to the standard curve, used treble emphasis limitation in recording for decades (there is a quasi-standard defined by the leading record-cutting-machine manufacturer Neumann). Applying a correction according to Neumann standard makes a small but very audible difference. Whilst it's important to follow the RIAA curve, not doing so only alters the tonal balance of the sound; there are actually other items and components within a phono-stage that alter or make a bigger sonic difference than slight deviations off the correct curve. For instance if you played a record that was not cut with a perfect RIAA setting, say 1 dB difference between 1 K and 5 K, you'd be hard pressed to even notice. If we, however, changed the type of capacitors used in the phono stage, there would be a much bigger and totally noticeable difference.

Note: Avid phono stages are Neuman HF corrected, it is stated in their specifications.
Dear Captain_winters: That 20hz to 20khz specification is the Standard by the RIAA, it is not " the traditional " as you posted: no, it's no0t, it's what the RIAA " commanded " it's a rule not something that any one else could change, NO.

The unit I use for some years now measured/measures ( is not an spec but real measure, including cables. ) about the inverse RIAA eq. as next:

well, to the RIAA only " cares " 20hz to 20khz. Maybe whom cares beyond the RIAA rules are us audiophiles. That chart shows too that the deviation from the RIAA eq. curve in both channels is lower than: 0.015 db.

My unit ( Phonolinepream. ) came with a switched Neuman correction so you can choose in between and decide.

Regards and enjoy the msuic,
Impressively flat, very nice. It would be interesting to know what it looks like with Neumann HF correction, if it down -0.64db at 20,000 hz.
Dear Captain_winters: Maybe that could be only academic. The first target any phono stage has to acomplish is the RIAA eq. curve. I don't know if you already have your Avid chart with the measures ( not specs but measures. ).

Here you can see what other very well regarded ( and expensive ) units measures on the same RIAA subject ( examples. ):

IMHO Stereophile makes a very good job with the measures on audio items they review. The information could be relevant. In the archives of Stereophile you can find out some other units and of course other kind of items as amplifiers or speakers, interesting to read it and a learning information.

Of course that " numbers " can't say all but is part of any audio item.

Regards and enjoy the music,