I can not recommend HD Downloads for anyone who is not a computer "Geek", or doesn't know one. Something went wrong with my HD Downloads, and I was about to go crazy, when I decided to call my "Geek". He said the computer had to be reset. I have no idea why that only affected the HD Downloads. My "Geek" doesn't talk much, I still don't know what was wrong, but he fixed it. If you're not a "Geek", and can't call one, stay away from HD Downloads.
In regard to what I've downloaded, I'm still going "Ga Ga" over the results. That intangible quality that evokes an emotional response to music, is called "soul" by some, and "geist" or spirit by others. It's the life force in the music. I've heard CD's that were totally stripped of that quality, even though they were of the same music. These HD Downloads are 100% intact, and are no different than Class "A" analog. Since my mind will not accept digital amplification, I can understand your inability to accept HD Downloads. Maybe our problems are the same, I've never heard a digital amp, have you heard HD Downloads?
I'll try to address some questions you have. My Download of the MJQ reflects that groups recording quality. While Santana was recorded earlier, it's a much better recording in regard to sonics. That's a variable you will have to determine on a case by case basis. In each case, there is no deviation from the LP. If there was a flaw in the original LP, it will be worse on the Download.
When you're in a high end emporium and hear the difference between Class "A" and Class "B", you will notice that it's a little better, however when you hear the price difference of the components, unless you're rich, you will be quite content to live with Class "B". Class "B" is not inferior as much as it is cheaper. Class "B" is very very good. Whatever you have, if you think it's Class "A", that works for me.
Enjoy the music.