Aluminum Foil test for Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner

I came accross this Aluminum Foil Test in You tube to check the purported cavitation power of ultrasonic cleaners. A positive test should create holes or perforations in the foil after an adequate period of ultrasonic exposure. ((varies from 40 sec to a few minutes))
I tested my Audio Desk Systeme Vinyl Cleaner but failed the aluminum foil test.
How reliable is this test? The other question is how can I check that my cleaner is doing its job (refering to its ultrasonic property) in a more objective way.?
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Benjie, Could you describe the difference in sound between an LP cleaned with the Audio Desk and one cleaned with the Loricraft and AIVS?

I did this comparison only once with a friend's new Audio Desk on one of my LPs. It was cleaned on each machine and I slightly preferred the Loricraft. There was a bit more fine detail and the system seemed to have more overall resolution. And this was when my system was less resolving. Now this was a new LP that had been cleaned once with my PRC 4 and AIVS 4-step plus second final rinse. We listened, then cleaned on the Audio Desk and listened again. Then after my friend left, I cleaned it again on the Lori and it sounded better again.

I realize that this was a quick test and hardly scientific. And I'm not arguing that the Lori is easy to use. It takes me 25 min. per side and it's very boring though I do it next to my computer as I do other things.

I'm just very interested in ability to clean without factoring in convenience and cost for the moment. Once those are factored in, then the discussion changes.

I might take a few of my cleaned LPs over to my friend's house this weekend and listen and then clean them quickly on his Audio Desk and see if we hear a difference on his system.

I do think a slight residue is left by the Audio Desk and an ultra pure water rinse in a second Audio Desk or on a VPI 16.5 would make it sound better, but this is only conjecture on my part. I think Albert Porter has two Audio Desks for this reason. If I can do the test this weekend, I'll report back.
Peter, Why does the Loricraft takes 25 minutes per side? I have doesh several steps and I remember it takingt much less time than this.
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Had the 16.5, have the Audio Desk now and I'll never look back.

Great comparison.
Like " I was barefoot, have a pair of shoes now and I'll never look back"