New turntable help

It's time for me to purchase a new turntable .
I've been looking at the Rega RP3, clearaudio concept and a vpi scout..
Don't really know which one to buy.. Any recommendations? I'm going to use a clearaudio maestro cartridge.

My set up:
Parasound Halo JC 2 pre
Halo A21 amp
Parasound Zphono. ( JC 3 soon)
Psb synchrony one towers.

I've been using a project debut carbon and I'm getting tired of it.
Zenblaster.. Why did you use the traveler over the scout?
It sounded more musical in my system. And it is a simple yet very well thought out design that is built like a tank. Listen to the both and you will see that there is a difference, the choice is subjective.
The beauty of the Maestro is the solid boron cantilever and Trygon P2 stylus, both from the $13,000 Clearaudio Insider. The Virtuoso connot keep up with this kind of engineering.
I have a similar set up as you. Parasound JC2/A21, PSB Synchrony's , Fosgate signature phono. I replaced a Rega P5 with a VPI classic one / Dynavector 20x2 and have been very pleased. It's a little over your budget but I don't think there would be a big dropoff between the Classic and the Scout. For me anyway the ability to fine tune the azimuth on the Classic made a huge difference over the Rega.
Dear Nebulous7: If you will have the Maestro cartridge then maybe the Clearaudio tonearm could be a better match for it.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Thanks for all the replies. I deeply considered all of them.

I am starting to lean towards the vpi classic.