Most demanding passages for a turntable & system

Analog setup: Technics SL1210 with KAB re-wire, RCA plate Cardas Litz RCA, Shelter 501II, Krell KPE Ref pre.
Cartridge weight set @ 1.2, anti-skate @ 1.0. Arm height @ 2.1 on the scale.
I've always used Emerson Lake & Palmers 1st LP to strain the heck out the the setup. The last song on side one "Knife-Edge" ends in a passage that absolutley will work the analog setup to its extreme. Also a passage on side 2's "Three Fates" comes a very close 2nd.
"Dark Side of the Moon" aint bad,but not that streneous on the turntable setup I think.
What do others use to really give the turntable "the ol' acid test", so to speak?
Not to get off topic but dosen't your TT have a built in phono pre amp? If so, is that what the KAB rewire does? (Eliminate it so that you can use your Krell).
I use a Basis Debut vac & Graham Arm, never had a problem with the right geometry, internal vibrations, always spot on with even the most demanding records ( Pines of Rome ).....