Custom Plinth for an older Sota Sapphire

I would like to have one made in stainless steel. Does anyone know how I could make this happen?
Most good sheet metal and steel faricators will have little difficulty with your project. However stainless will show any flaws in workmanship when polished. Stainless can be machined also but will cost 2 to 3 times the price of working with mild steel as it's harder on man and machine.
Try Symposium Ultra much better than steel,used with my Sota before i upgraded to TW AC3 still using it.
Elegal, how important is this Sota endeavor to you? Technically speaking, certain plinth designers/mfg.'s (ourselves included) have the necessary facilities to create cad renderings and cnc fabricate a stainless steel plinth, but as others have stated, it will be rather costly. Honestly, unless your sentimental attachment is serious, I personally would consider investing in another turntable altogether or perhaps exploring a much less costly re finish and/or plinth base material type. Dealer/Mfg. Disclaimer